Environmental Handling Systems
Evacuation Chair Training & DSE Assessments

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Now Servicing London & the Home Counties

We aim to minimise accidents in the workplace.  Environmental Handling Systems has been providing businesses with professional, cost-effective, specialised Health and Safety training for the workplace since 2004.  As a Company EHS has gained a reputation as one of the UK’s leading training providers. Our objectives target minimising accidents, lowering staff turnover, reducing operating costs and promoting your company as a responsible and caring organisation.

Professional Evacuation Chair Training Courses & DSE Assessments form our core business.

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The Importance of Knowing How to Safely Use an Evacuation Chair

If you have any evacuation equipment located on your premises it is of paramount importance that any staff member who is responsible to use it in an emergency knows exactly how to use it correctly and with confidence.

Mobile impaired persons

The world has a number of people who have health issues that lead them to need the use of an evacuation chair. The main ailment is likely to be a form of mobile impairment. This type of chair is used by those that do not have their own ability when it comes to mobility, or who are disabled and can’t move.

UK law

UK law states that everyone deserves the chance of a safe escape and every training course we teach shows you how to use an evacuation chair on any escape route which may consist of level surfaces, a multi level building with a few stairs, or full stairways to transport a disabled person or mobility impaired person to level ground and ultimately a safe place.

The importance of being trained

The importance of being trained on how to properly use this type of chair is due to the safety risks related to it, and also for the carer’s as well. There are a number of insurance companies that will only pay for this type of equipment if you have been trained on how to use it.

It is important to know how to safely operate an evacuation chair with ease, how to avoid manual handling injuries, how to correctly secure the evacuee, be aware of any adjustable safety features on a tracked chair, single person operation. In addition, it helps to be aware of the problems faced by mobility-impaired persons, and all current legislation.

What other equipment can we train you on?

We can train you to use a variety of evacuation equipment during an emergency evacuation, usually regardless of brand, such as the following:

  • evacuation chair
  • tracked evacuation chair
  • patient transport chair
  • transit chair
  • rescue sheet


The Importance of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessments

The importance of display screen equipment DSE assessments should be considered whether you work in an office or at home, you should have your workstation and display screen equipment (DSE) assessed for safety to avoid any unnecessary injuries occurring.

Bad posture

Bad posture is one of the leading reasons why you should have your posture assessed for safety. Back posture, neck posture, and hip posture can all be affected by sitting in a way that causes undue pressure on these regions. These regions will over time deteriorate and lead to pain and discomfort and possibly even musculoskeletal disorders and upper limb disorders. Even eye strain can be avoided.

Many work hours and days are lost by businesses each year due to employee sickness absence due to injuries, aches, and pains, all of which could have been avoided.

Our focus

We focus on employee wellbeing, ergonomics in the workplace, avoiding poor posture, giving safety advice, following good practice, and display screen equipment regulation.

What does a DSE workstation assessment comprise?

Our fully trained DSE assessor will visit your place of work and assess how you sit when you work, whether at home or in your place of business. A DSE workstation assessment comprises a full risk assessment and will evaluate your workstation, the DSE user, your equipment, such as your desk, chair, and VDU.  Any health risks will be identified, advised, and eliminated in line with DSE regulations.

Important to know

Your employer has a moral and legal requirement to ensure your safety whilst you work.


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